Sex, Culture & Morality.

Sexual debauchery leads to the collapse of civilization within 3 generations and the article explains the Anthropological reasons based on the works of Unwin, one of the GOATS in the field.

Conclusion if you don't have time :

The sexual revolution was a mistake. A poison. It unleashed termites into the foundation of the west. This also means we should look inward towards our Indic Civilizational learnings and practices rather than simply trying to copy west in everything. 

This conclusion is based on my understanding of the works of Unwin.

Oxford anthropologist J.D. Unwin, who studied 86 societies and civilizations to see if there was a relationship between sexual morality and human flourishing.

Point by point analysis explaining the message/learnings from my own understanding. This can be understood as a summary of a summary : 

First, Unwin defined 4 categories of cultures. Each is differentiated in their pursuit of art, engineering, literature, agriculture, etc. And can be classified under the following headings: 

1. Dead - these cultures are only focused on the day-to-day needs of life. They don't care about higher questions and so do not progress.

2. Superstitious - these cultures develop beliefs that help them explain the natural world. This can be represented in the special treatment of the dead.

3. Deistic - characterized by belief in gods or a god. This requires more imagination and higher-order thinking.

4. Rationalistic - characterized by rational thinking. This was the category with the most human flourishing.

Next, Unwin defined sexual ethics and restraint into two categories:

- Prenuptial - this was measured on a scale from complete sexual freedom to "remain a virgin until married."

- Postnuptial - how easy is it to get a divorce? How many wives can a man have? How faithful are the women expected to be?

What did he find?

The single most influential factor: prenuptial chastity or practising celibacy.

If people were expected to remain virgins until they were married, the culture was more likely to have all of the markers of human flourishing. They were more likely to be an "advanced" civilization.

The best combination, resulting in a culture that exceeds other cultures? You probably won't be surprised.

Prenuptial chastity combined with absolute monogamy. Absolute monogamy means one spouse for life.

Why was prenuptial chastity the most important?

In cultures where virginity was no longer expected, within three generations the following disappeared:

- absolute monogamy

- deism

- rational thinking

Virginity before marriage is one of the prerequisites for modern civilization. Without it, people usually regress into the lowest "dead" category as they become interested only in their own wants and needs. They become slaves to their appetites.

Cultures that have embraced total sexual freedom collapse within three generations. 

They might limp along for a time, powered by some momentum, but eventually, they are conquered or taken over by another culture.

In the West, the sexual revolution started in the late 1960s. Three generations from then would put the West or the so-called developed as of now countries/civilizations in the 2070s.

Are we on the way to collapse?

The evidence points to "yes."

You cannot have both sexual freedom and progress. 

Unwin: "Any human society is free to choose either to display great energy or to enjoy sexual freedom; the evidence is that it cannot do both for more than one generation."

Marriage is not just a private contract between two individuals. It has ramifications for the entire community and culture.

And what two (or more) people do together in the bedroom is not, indeed, a private matter. Writ large, it has consequences for that entire civilization.

Porn is cultural cancer. It rots the bones. A healthy civilization, or one that wants to progress, will want to eradicate it or push it to the fringes of society.

This is one reason why Christendom has produced some vibrant cultures. It's the sexual ethic. The Gospel is a leaven that gradually leavens the whole loaf. Any culture that embraced Christianity eventually reached new heights but this is only true when people followed the teachings especially the Ministers or Nuns. 

Can you imagine the vitality of a Christian China?

A culture can be turned around, so there is always hope. Massive repentance can bear fruit. But based on the data, it also takes three generations for improvements to start showing up.

Sexual ethics is a powerful rudder, but it is still a rudder on a huge, lumbering ship.

Unwin's work also lines up with other literature on male sexual energy and how it must be contained and directed for a culture to thrive. 

May we heed the warning.

With more people coming out against the established Church exploitations mainly sexual exploitations tell how the things have taken a fall. The percentage of people in the west losing interest in Christianity is rising. It's okay and necessary for people to ask questions but to mock and judge everything without trying to understand even the slightest of meaning is the result of CRT and woke/cancel culture. I am not a Christian but I can see why the Pope or the leaders must come clean on all the issues and the same applies to Islam, Sanatan Dharma among others. People need answers and in this day and age, there's no place for sexual exploitations in places of worship or by religious leaders. They should guide people and not make fun of the new generation. It's their job, their part in making the world a better place. 

Disclaimer: This is not against anyone or people in general. If you want to enjoy sex, go ahead, you watch porn, I'd suggest you against it but yes, it's your choice. I'm not suggesting anything be it moral superiority or trying to be an enlightened soul. It's based on the works of a great man, his learnings and my own understanding. I just wanted to present a summary with insights and learnings that can be used.


Proofreading by - Somesh, Ashish and thanks to Aditi for answering my questions masquerading as statements now and then that were actually asked to get her opinion as she's a Master's in Psychology. Thanks to each one of you.
