I measure the progress of community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.
                                                                                                                                - Dr. B.R.Ambedkar

Gender inequality is the idea that men and women aren't equal. It refers to the unequal treatment of individuals wholly or partly due to gender. It arises from gender roles, perception of roles, due to society or because someone is a misogynist/homophobic.

We all know the definition, but what we don't pay attention/don't want to pay attention to is that the term isn't meant for use in income disparities only. It is an important and widely talked issue but parameters like literacy rate, mortality rate, access to healthcare, access to financial services, digital literacy, participation in workforce, political representation are equally crucial. These as a whole help us to paint the complete picture.

She was final nail in the coffin. She was crying and I couldn't change the channel. There was something different about her. She couldn't utter a word. Someone finally showed with a camera and was broadcasting it live. 32 years old, crying like a baby. Employed in a nationalised bank, posted in NCR. Her family lives in Gujarat. She has 2 year old son but can only see him via Video Call (God bless technology!) She's been writing applications for her transfer from the past 3 years and not a single one has been answered.
One of my friends in an I.T. MNC has clearly told me how she is treated less or when she shows her anger/frustration the blame is put on her. The country that has been blessed by MATA JI and where NAVRATRI is celebrated as one of the holiest festivals, why are women victims of discrimination?

Impulsive answer - Patriarchal Society.
Somewhat true. The same society which gave equal rights to women and asked their opinion in early Rig Vedic period reached to new level of shame where " Average rape/day was 5 in 2016-17 in Delhi NCR" (Source NCRB).

Degrading quality of moral values, feeling powerful by outraging modesty of women, not allowing women to take part in important matters because men are strong and intelligent, killing/harassment of marginalised sections, nonacceptance of LGBT community, lack of idealism in the youth of the country, have contributed to the present day degrading moral behaviour and inequalities.

We can talk about the reasons and conclude by saying that we need a holistic approach on the all the matters and we need are stringent laws, timely enforcement and what not. There are stringent laws and I personally feel that creating awareness should be priority followed by enforcement.
In any country where women think domestic violence is justified, you can imagine how much important it is to make every single women aware.

I am sorry to say but women are also responsible for this.

You must've heard - Where are talented, having leadership skills and experienced women?

Board members, H.R.s, Team leaders or recruiters often give this reason. It is most infuriating as it clearly shows that "No effort has been made by them to identify, communicate and indulge such women". Statement like these are a blatant disregard of countless women who are housewives, teachers, who run colleges, hospitals, armed forces, run governments/are part of governments, NGOs and make other socio-economic activities run smoothly. Women should bring such unfairness into light, inform the authorities and make use of social media to expose such people.


1. Society as a whole and general has taught women to be self effacing. The division of household labour and the expectations from women are deeply gendered. Women are told to provide support around the house and their work remains unacknowledged.

When men do the same tasks - laundry, ironing clothes, cooking, making bed, etc they are seen exceptional and as a rare breed. They are called sensitive. They should be as doing all this really works up and brings back the senses to mind. We should clearly accept our responsibilities.

2. A lot of men behave like they are entitled to the all services and feelings of superiority, (over) confidence while women are not. We all know that we post our opinions as facts ((a lot times) and women; however sure they are post facts as their opinions. Plain and simple - Stop mansplaining!

3.Women have always been paid less than men. In USA, women are paid 75 Cents to 1 Dollar (Men) for the same job. At the current rate, it'll take 170 years to fill the pay gap reports Wall Street Journal. The global average is around 50 cents/Dollar and we all the know the level of disparities in India. The situation has been grave but thanks to Government for JAM (Jan Dhan, Aadhar and Mobile - Digital India) towards financial inclusion, increasing maternity leave to 26 Weeks which they are entitled to without saying , PM Matru Vandana Yojana - which provides cash incentives of ₹6000 to Anganwadi registered first time pregnant and lactating mothers (23 Lakh beneficiaries). These schemes have been successfully implemented and are now working towards 100% coverage. SBM has lead to rural sanitation to a record high of 85%.  The government especially the bureaucrats have been proactive in tackling the governance side issues and putting out effective schemes with proper implementation. Initiatives like MUDRA, Women Entrepreurship Platform are not a want but need for India 2.0. We have a long way to go.

The curious case of pay disparities among actor-actresses, CEOs often get covered and they receive widespread support. Recently, Benedict Cumberbatch promulgated that he'll not sign the movie if his female counterparts are not paid equally. The real deal is normal-middle class working women, who  don't demand equal pay for equal work and when they do, they are not taken seriously.

4. Women often get less recognition for the work they do and even worse for LGBT community. They themselves too feel that they are doing what is expected from them. When they take part in cooking classes/teachers/society or club responsibilities/Swachchta Drives, it is seen as an extension of the work they do at home. Women are made to feel by others/themselves that they are just supporting actors in their own story.

5. We need more women representation in politics. In 2014 general elections, a record 64 women were elected to lower house. This is something to celebrate but we need to fast track the process of 1/3rd seats reserved for women and LGBT community (must be included). A recent study has shown that women MLAs are less corrupt, more efficient and hence their constituencies are more developed than their male counterparts. 
Source TOI

I'd like to iterate that discrimination of any form against anyone is wrong be it men, women, differently abled or LGBT community. 

In 2014, Honorable Supreme Court stopped the automatic arrest under section 498a. The court directed police to use Section 41 of CrPC, 1973 which has a checklist to decide if arrest is necessary.
Former Justice of Delhi High Court S.N. Dhingra has admitted that law is being used by some to harass their husbands and in laws.  I don't support women like the one who put case on her husband/family when they asked her to cook food for guests.This is preposterous. Women should also support men rights. What is wrong is wrong.

I am not telling you the way live or protest. It is your life and you are free to act as you want. But if a country with 65% population under 35 years and 50% population under 25 years doesn't talk about these important issues then I don't know who will.

Ankita stressed on the following points :

1. It shouldn't be compulsory for an Indian girl to do the household chores after marriage. It is mandatory and obvious for every human to do his/her household chores.

2. One need not go by the society norms. The marriage is built on love and trust which comes from understanding of each other in which husband supports carrier and helps wife in the day to day household chores and women should also support the husband.

3. Young boys should be taught cooking, cleaning, dusting etc and shouldn't be considered a female thing. The bossy male outlook shouldn't be entertained anymore. The women who don't teach these basic life saving habits to their son's are the one's who feel pity (Aww my son) to see their kid doing household activities and repercussions being scolding the Daughter in law and then talking about how bad the Sanskars are! They don't realise that she's not habitual to all the things at once and with job it's not easy as they say.

We can have data without information, but we cannot have information without data.
                                                                                                                                        - Danial Keys.

Chalte Chalte kuch facts padhte jaiye..

Discrimination that starts from fetus, lives until death. Schooling, sports, college, jobs especially in formal (I.T., Banking, real estate sector)
At the International stage, the Global Gender Gap Index is published by WEF. The report is based on the following parameters :

1. Educational attainment.
2. Health and survival.
3. Economic opportunity.
4. Political empowerment.

To provide a clear picture, take a look at the reports data.

This is just one report. Now some of you may point out the criticisms or ineffectiveness like it measures some irrelevant parameters, what is the authenticity of the calculations, components that are difficult to understand/ interpret but this is not the point today.

Dropping out reasons and the ratio/1000 people.

#UnableToCopeUpWithStudies MEN! :-D :-P


Next time you judge her for being weak and unintelligent remember what padman said :

Half hour man bleeding like women....They straight DYING!


  1. Just awesome ������..
    People need to know dat it's high tym now to drop dat "in" from inequalities and make it "equalities"...
    Dude waiting for d day wen u will write on equalities...��

  2. "Astounding".. & to the point brother.
    As always very clearly expressed with supporting data(surprisingšŸ˜¶).
    Gender roles are deep rooted in our society..It happens all around us..Unfortunately, most of the people don't even realize this.

    1. Thankyou Prithvi.
      Information without data is nothing.
      Yes, we should start with our own philosophy first and then lead the way for others.

  3. Excellent!! I adore the work you do specifically the write-up, it comes so naturally to you :)

    1. That means a lot. :-)
      It's like what Bruce Lee said - "Be like water. Just go with the flow".
      The same can be said about you. Crisp, sharp comments.
      You (a girl) who has seen all this firsthand, I really appreciate your views and you coming out. Your views matter a lot.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. As i have gone through the content and i have enhance my knowledge on the basis of facts given in the blog .
    Somewhere i feel the even though society is well educated but still men always have superiority complex with them (Personal view).
    The point you have raised for the difference of wages for men and women.
    every individual should be recognized on the basis of their work rather than their gender.
    We should change our thoughts, should think like human not on the basis of gender, community, religion etc.

    Thanks to Adarsh to provide us a platform to express our views.
    The content is as usual crisp and realistic based facts.
    Hats off to your hard work and please keep up the momentum.

    1. Only you know what it means yo give an apt feedback. :-)
      Would want you to provide suggestions too.
      Facts with data are a must. Helps in painting the whole picture.
      Brother, history has time and again proved that educated society has nothing to do with equality, respect and love for everyone. I mean educated people can think of these principles and give greater meaning but being civil is something that comes from social maturity and introspection.

    2. I am open to different views and suggestions. You are always welcomed to express yours and be a guest. Thankyou again for the feedback. :-)

  6. Great article emphasizing the need of hour. A country which has seen "boom" throughout the 20th century and a decade of 21st century shall see a boom in intellect women, rising and building nation. It's essential to understand that society cannot develop without giving them all freedom which is given to men.

    1. Exactly.
      Equality and freedom for all is the liberation in true sense.
      Thankyou :-)
      Btw name would've been better. #Unknown :-D

  7. This is one of the best thing I have read early morning from last couple of weeks
    It's just as awesome. We should aware about these kind of situation around us.
    Supereb work Ankita.

    1. Thankyou :-)
      Feels great to achieve something like this.


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