“You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”- Morpheus to Neo #TheMatrix

I never thought Morpheus existed in our world. The alpha male personality, black shades, black outfit with a textured overcoat pretty much like a CIA operative. CIA agents carry pistols while he carried 2 pills more deadlier than bullets.

Without wasting much time he said - Pandey, I know you've been looking for some answers and it's time you experience the answers first hand and decide for yourself whether all this (the things most of us are running after - likes, shares, follower/crying/comparing with others) is worth it.
All these experiences and feeling of being subjective, objective and being unbiased to past, present and future seemed exciting. The only prerequisite being "taking a pill" and it could be my homecoming. The deep voice that sounded pretty much like the Batman said -
"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Red - Reality, truth, knowledge and finding true purpose of life.

Blue - Blissful ignorance, falsehood, security, comfort zone, so called peace, likes, YOLO  hashtags.

Everyone says they’ll choose the red pill because it's good, logical, gutsy and obvious until you tell them they'll have to struggle, work hard, sometimes life wouldn't be fair. The mere thought of changing the status quo in our lives has a tremendous power. The deep voice which is supposed to be our saviour starts running all the unwanted scenarios and will tell you that everything's good and conditions will improve with time. No one wants to struggle, learn from basics and millennial don't even care about the process. At a time when everyone's looking for gist of success, entire syllabus and happy life, I wasn't sure about the status quo and wanted to find my true purpose.
2 Buddhist teachings came into my mind :
1. "The purpose of life is to find the life's purpose".
2. "This too shall pass".

I didn't had anything to lose and I was really looking forward to “new life/a fresh start”. I wanted to feel what the reality looked like and if it was all glittering gold - full of likes, shares, publicity, compliments and royalty as we know it? What if I could pull this off I thought?
I took the red pill.

It made me puke. It tasted bitter and like shit to be honest. 15 minutes passed and nothing happened. I asked Morpheus if he really gave me the red pill or was it the blue pill coloured as red. Maybe he was playing mind games with me I thought.
"With the effect not being as I had expected, I was trying to label it ineffective"!

The exact thing happens in our everyday lives. If something defies our expectations, it’s just ineffective. I now know that occurrence of this thought was the first sign that red pill had started working. While I was lost in my train of thoughts, I felt a shock. The one that makes you jump in the air, shout, curse and do whatever you can to stop it. I had the flashback of my entire life.
My life with all the major DECISIONS labelled as PATHS and the RESULTS labelled as SUCCESS/FAILURE. The strange thing was the SUCCESS/FAILURE board had % symbol - 1 for me and 1 in terms of others.

I clicked a path to see what happened back then. As soon as I touched the Path board, I was transported to the moment just before making the decision (a major one). The whole scene started playing as a movie. I was the lead actor. The story of my life was being played with the audience being my soul, my gut feeling – the deep voice that tells something's not right. The movie was a bit blurred in the beginning and the red pill cleared the blurred background and f-----g Morpheus was  right there in the movie! He had offered me the same very pills back then. Maybe I chose to ignore him or he was invisible. Why he's crystal clear now? Did I f-----g chose the blue pill? Was the pill meant to enhance my vision and make my focus laser sharp pretty much like the present day selfie and DSLR cameras?

I was sweating. I wanted this to be a dream. A fucking CIA like agent in every milestone of my life. It felt weird and uncomfortable. I wanted to friggin punch him and ask what the hell he did to me. But the treatment had already begun. I couldn't move. I couldn't even think - the moment I thought of anything someone vacuum cleaned them. I could only be a spectator with unbiased opinions allowed.

Few minutes later I realised, I could see through my actions, thoughts and mindset at the time of making decision in the past. It was like meditation just observations, no emotions. I just realised I was blinded in the past. It didn't matter whether the decisions brought success or failure. Both seemed futile now.
100% SATISFACTION - the key ingredient was missing or wasn't present in apt quantity and quality.
The Ego, falsehood, sense of security, caring too much, overthinking, eating junk, drinking, smoking and what not. All the exercise I did was in vain. The life balance was missing. I was hurt by unfavourable remarks and thought about how others would feel. The mission and sense of life for myself and others... Something greater than self was missing.

I get now "everyone's playing their own game and it's just a matter of time they check mate you or you check mate someone else. Life doesn't has to black and white. Although #YOU_ONLY_LIVE_ONCE is the driving force in the millennials, once is enough if you do it right is my mantra.”

I can now totally relate to Shakespeare when he said - "Nothing's good or bad, it's our thinking that makes it so".
I turned around in joy to tell Morpheus the knowledge, feeling and the realisation I had. I wanted to tell him the red pill was greatest medicine ever discovered. I wanted to say him sorry for the times I couldn't see him. Most importantly I wanted to thank him and hug him.
At this moment the movie stopped. My Soul, Mind and Body were unified and Morpheus was gone.
We are constantly being presented the red pill and somehow we manage to dodge it and cry foul later. We don't introspect, don't value people like Morpheus & the red pill. It's not something new or that we don't know, it's just human nature.
We don't believe something can really happen until it does and we're left wondering how the hell it happened and where were we? How on earth we missed? Why didn't we pay attention?

This concept is life changing as it resonates with the basic human nature of thought and action. Morpheus is always present in the form of a friend, family or your inner voice.
We all take our own pills. We make our own choices. Choices maybe made knowingly or in the pressure/opinion of others but ultimately made by us. We like to take credit and stand in the front when our choices lead to positive/successful results in our eyes and the eyes of he society. This is extremely important as we tend to measure our results and success quantitatively and w.r.t others. MATRIX (delusional world) is easy, comforting, cool and fun.

Chaos strikes us when others judge us and criticise us and some take it a step further to tell us how stupid & bad our idea, product and thinking is.
Ego+ negative assessment = Shows true nature of people and logic goes out of window.
That’s jokers recipe for chaos.
The moment something unexpected happens we want someone else to take the responsibility/blame, provide solution and get us quickly out of the UNWANTED REALTY.

We can easily be blinded. We cannot believe the reality as just experienced by our senses alone. It's okay to eat your feelings :-P. There is something greater than us that 85% of the population fails to acknowledge.
"Our brain is trapped inside dark thick skull. It never sees the light, feels, tastes and hears anything itself. We get all the taste, sound, vision based on our Brain's interpretation of electrical signals. It's like someone describing their version of reality and you have to believe it because it's the only version available for you to follow". Truth may not be sexy but in the long run it's definitely better than the delusional roles we play knowingly or unknowingly.

So create your own reality psychologically by doing what makes you happy and satisfied. Being spiritual/meditating will take you a step closer to yourself. Take care of your body by avoiding junk and exercising. Be grateful to your parents, friends and God. Loving and respecting humanity is the key to a successful inner life. Realising that it's not always about you and you don't have to take everything so seriously. It's your life so better have your own rules. Nobody gets out alive. So if you want something..Good..Go after it. Don't manage people. Nobody likes to be managed. Everyone wants to be lead. Inspire people. Be kind as everyone’s fighting their own battle.
Be somebody's Morpheus. I'll be yours!
As for the colours:



  1. Modi ji is giving red pills to all the Congress person..

    1. 😀
      They need it bhai. They just don't get it.

  2. Counselor, writer, reader and blogger .... Yes you are .... You've written the truth .
    Well done AKP keep it up

  3. That shows your greatness. :-)

  4. Very well said :) you know I am fan of your writing and advises :)

  5. Just awesome..Loved the idea of Matrix's pills to explain human nature/choices. Gist of this reminded me of Osho.

    1. Thanyou Prithvi :-)
      The choices we make and their repercussions clearly resonate with Matrix's idea.
      Osho! That's heavy man. :-D
      Watch Wild Wild Country to learn what he was upto.

  6. Very well written...just keep up the good work...👍


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